Thursday, January 22, 2015

Leonardo da Vinci

Photo from

Leonardo da Vinci could be considered a man before his time. Some of his ideas were outrageous to the people in his time period. You have seen many of the inventions he thought up, hundreds of years before they were actually created. 
If Leonardo were to be able to visit our day, what do you think he would say? Do you think he would continue to think of new ideas that would be outrageous to us? In the comments below, write a full paragraph describing what you think Leonardo would say and do if he showed up at your house today. Be sure to use full sentences and lots of description!  Return tomorrow and read what your classmates wrote. Comment on two other classmate comments.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The role of religion during the Renaissance

St. Peter's Basilica took over 120 years to complete. Why was it so important for the Pope's to build this building? They believed it stood over the exact spot where St. Peter was buried.  The Church and Renissance artists worked together to create this beautiful and remarkable building.
One of the ways the church funded this massive building project was to sell indulgences. An indulgence was supposed to be a way for someone to pay for their dead relatives to get out of purgatory or be relieved from suffering for the sins they may have committed during their life. People eagerly paid for these, but this movement caused some people to start to break way from the church. We will learn more about this during our unit on the Reformation.
For now, write a complete paragraph ( at least five sentences) highlighting the two most interesting facts you learned about St. Peter's Basilica from the website. Then be sure to comment on at least two of your fellow classmates posts.

Art of the Renaissance

During the Renaissance, art changed in many ways. Look at the two pictures below. What differences can you see between the two. Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences), comparing and contrasting the pictures. When you have finished, be sure to comment on at least two other posts by your classmates.

The Kress Monnogrammist
The Adoration of the Magi
about 1550/1560
Oil on oak panel

Giovanni Agostino da Lodi
Adoration of the Shepherds
Oil on panel


Painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was no small job for Michelangelo. He had to lie on his back on scaffolding high above the ground. Visit the chapel and then return and answer the questions below.

Visit the Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo was a very talented man. He had a dream to be a sculptor but kept having obstacles thrown in his way. He spent the majority of his life painting just so he could sculpt. What is your dream? Have you had any obstacles or trials put in your way that you had to deal with before you could do what you want?
Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) in the comments below that tells your classmates about a struggle you have had in your life. What did you learn? Did you find out anything new about yourself? Did you discover a new or hidden talent? Did your gain more gratitude for anything?
After you have written your paragraph, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates comments.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Renaissance Chapter one:A New Dawn

In the 1500, scholars had become very dissatisfied with the way things were. They wanted their people and lives to be better than they were. They spent many long hours studying ancient Greek and Roman records. They wanted their lives to be more refined and civilized like these ancient people had been. As these scholars learned more and more about these seemingly forgotten peoples, they began to share their ideals with others. They became known as Humanists because of their study of subjects called humanities such as history, language, and literature.
The things these scholars shared influenced many different aspects of their world at the time. This is what began the Renaissance movement. (Photo

Answer the following question in a comment below:

  • Thinking about our world today, what past civilization or people from history do you think would be most beneficial to study today? 
  • What impact to you think the people or time you chose would have on the world today if it was promoted as heavily as the ancient Greek and Romans were in the Renaissance?
  • What do you think would have happened to art if there had not been such a push toward Greek and Roman ideals?